How to become an accredited site

Every construction site is eligible to achieve MATES in Construction ‘Accredited’ status.
For the site to be awarded ‘Accredited’ status it would meet the following criteria:
- all the available workforce including administration staff must have received General Awareness Training (GAT)
- the proportion of the workforce that has received General Awareness Training (GAT) must be maintained at a minimum of 80% as the workforce transitions in and out of the project or site
- the site must have a minimum of one CONNECTOR for every twenty workers throughout the different levels and contractors on site, and
- the site must have access to an ASIST trained resource. (This can be administered through MATES NZ).
When a site has achieved these criteria, they will qualify for accreditation which delivers the following:
- they will be presented with a Certificate of Accreditation by MATES in Construction, preferably at a site gathering
- they will receive a MATES in Construction logo that can be used on all communications
- signage can be used that states this is a MATES in Construction ‘Accredited’ site and one that takes its responsibility for workers mental wellbeing and safety seriously
- slides that can be incorporated into site inductions to let new workers know this is a MATES in Construction workplace
- ongoing support from MATES in Construction Relationship Manager/Field Officer and Case Manager to look after sites, conduct training activities, support and CONNECTORS and provide face-to-face and phone counselling to workers.
MATES Accreditation, Bethlehem Shores by Arvida
MATES Accreditation at Bethlehem Shores Site by Arvida Our first out of Auckland MATES Accreditation has happened! MATES Field Officers Richard (Richie) and Karon congratulated our Partners Arvida Group Limited on their Bethlehem Shores site near the sunny beaches of...
MATES Accreditation, Glendowie Project by Watercare and Fulton Hogan
MATES in Construction Auckland City Mission Accreditation Drum roll please! Another first with a MATES Accreditation for Foundation Partner Watercare Services Limited and our Premium Partner Fulton Hogan on the Glendowie Project at their Rowena Crescent Site. As a...
MATES Accreditation, Auckland City Mission by Built Environs
MATES in Construction Auckland City Mission Accreditation The last couple of weeks have been very busy for the MATES Team with more and more qualifying for accreditation. With 80% of the workers General Awareness trained, 1 in 20 Connectors and at least 1 ASIST worker...