Our First Year
When we set out back in November 2019 to deliver the MATES programme into the industry, we knew there was a problem, but we were a little unsure as to the extent of what we were actually taking on. With the work we have undertaken and the research we have completed, we now know a lot more than we did back then. This has helped us create an informed future strategy and although we have made some great progress, we also know that our journey has only just begun.
We published our narrative not just to commemorate our first year, but to thank every single person and organisation that have supported us and our work. Huge awhi to everyone who shared their own personal experiences, to collectively create our story together.

Construction workers at high risk of suicide, research shows
Katie Bradford from TVNZ 1 caught up to hear first hand from Tony Biggam from Marin Construction about how tough it can be working in this industry. MATES in Construction is working hard with an evidence based program to get the mental health and suicide korero started. CEO Victoria McArthur talked to Katie about what is happening right now, and how we are all working together to make change for construction workers across Aotearoa.
Watch the interview here, https://www.1news.co.nz/…/construction-workers-at-high…/