Have you checked in on your mates today?
Have you checked in on your mate today? As Omicron cases rise and more of us are having to isolate, make sure your mates are doing okay.
• Keep in touch with friends and family over the phone or internet, but make sure you don’t go around to visit.
• You could offer to go and get food/kai and medicine. Find a safe drop-off point outside the house for them to leave supplies.
• There is a COVID-19 welfare support line (0800 512 337, 7 days a week) if anyone needs help with kai or other welfare support.
• The isolation period for COVID-19 is 10 days. You can go back to normal life on day 11.
Here are some things you could ask when you check in on a mate checkup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPFe4g2oMb0&t=26s